1. Deploy the yelb helm chart on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS)


    To deploy the Yelb application using a Helm chart on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS), you will need to perform a series of steps. I will guide you through each step with explanations and corresponding Pulumi code written in TypeScript.

    First, you'll need to provision an AKS cluster where you will deploy the Yelb application. For this, you can use the ProvisionedCluster resource from the azure-native provider. You'll configure properties such as location, resource group, and Kubernetes version.

    Once you have the AKS cluster set up, you will need to install the Helm chart for Yelb. The kubernetes.helm.v3.Chart resource from the kubernetes provider will be used for this purpose. You will specify the name of the chart (yelb), and if available, the repository where the chart is hosted.

    Now, let's dive into the Pulumi code that achieves this:

    import * as azure from "@pulumi/azure-native"; import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; import * as k8s from "@pulumi/kubernetes"; // Step 1: Provision the Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS) cluster. const resourceGroup = new azure.resources.ResourceGroup("myResourceGroup"); const cluster = new azure.containerservice.ManagedCluster("myAKSCluster", { resourceGroupName: resourceGroup.name, agentPoolProfiles: [{ count: 1, maxPods: 110, mode: "System", name: "agentpool", nodeLabels: {}, osDiskSizeGB: 30, osType: "Linux", tier: "Standard", type: "VirtualMachineScaleSets", vmSize: "Standard_DS2_v2", }], dnsPrefix: "myakscluster", enableRBAC: true, kubernetesVersion: "1.21.2", linuxProfile: { adminUsername: "azureuser", ssh: { publicKeys: [{ keyData: "<YOUR_SSH_PUBLIC_KEY>", }], }, }, nodeResourceGroup: `MC_azureuser_myAKSCluster_${resourceGroup.location}`, serviceName: "myAKSCluster", }); // Export the kubeconfig for the AKS cluster export const kubeconfig = pulumi. all([cluster.name, resourceGroup.name]). apply(([clusterName, resourceGroupName]) => azure.containerservice.listManagedClusterUserCredentials({ resourceGroupName: resourceGroupName, resourceName: clusterName, }) ). apply(creds => Buffer.from(creds.kubeconfigs[0].value, 'base64').toString()); // Step 2: Deploy the Yelb application using a Helm chart. const yelbChart = new k8s.helm.v3.Chart("yelb", { chart: "yelb", // Specify the repository if the Yelb chart is hosted on a Helm repository other than the default one // For example, you can specify `repo: "http://myhelmrepo.com/charts"` // If your chart is in a public repository on Artifact Hub or a well-known repository, Pulumi does not need the repo URL version: "<CHART_VERSION>", // Optionally specify the exact chart version }, { provider: new k8s.Provider("k8s-provider", { kubeconfig }) }); // Export the Cluster name and Kubeconfig export const aksClusterName = cluster.name;

    In this program:

    • I created a new resource group using the ResourceGroup class which is required to contain AKS and other Azure resources.
    • Then, I provisioned an AKS cluster with one node within the resource group. You need to replace <YOUR_SSH_PUBLIC_KEY> with your actual SSH public key to enable secure SSH access to the AKS nodes.
    • Once the AKS cluster is provisioned, I exported the kubeconfig which is needed to connect to the Kubernetes cluster with tools like kubectl or Pulumi's Kubernetes provider.
    • With the kubeconfig exported, I used the Pulumi Kubernetes provider to deploy the Yelb application using its Helm chart with the Chart class.
    • Replace <CHART_VERSION> with the specific version number of the Yelb chart you want to deploy. If you do not have a specific version, you can omit the version property, and the latest version will be installed.

    Please note that for security reasons, it is recommended to handle sensitive data like SSH keys outside of your codebase, possibly using Pulumi's configuration system or a secret management system.

    Lastly, run the Pulumi program to deploy your infrastructure by executing pulumi up in your terminal. This will start the provisioning process based on the code you've written. Remember to have your Azure provider configuration set up, as Pulumi will use those credentials to deploy resources to Azure.