1. Deploy the z2jh4k8s helm chart on Digital Ocean Kubernetes Service


    To deploy the z2jh4k8s Helm chart to a Digital Ocean Kubernetes cluster using Pulumi, you'll need to follow these key steps:

    1. Set up a Digital Ocean Kubernetes cluster:
      Begin by setting up a new Kubernetes cluster in Digital Ocean.

    2. Install the Helm Chart:
      With the Kubernetes cluster in place, the next step is to deploy your Helm chart to the cluster.

    For a complete Pulumi program to perform these steps, we'll do the following:

    • Define a new Digital Ocean Kubernetes cluster using the digitalocean.KubernetesCluster resource.
    • Deploy the z2jh4k8s Helm chart to the cluster using the kubernetes.helm.v3.Chart resource.

    Below is the TypeScript program that will set up a Digital Ocean Kubernetes cluster and deploy the Helm chart to it:

    import * as pulumi from "@pulumi/pulumi"; import * as digitalocean from "@pulumi/digitalocean"; import * as k8s from "@pulumi/kubernetes"; // Define a Digital Ocean Kubernetes cluster const cluster = new digitalocean.KubernetesCluster("do-cluster", { region: "nyc3", version: "latest", nodePool: { name: "default", size: "s-2vcpu-2gb", nodeCount: 2, }, }); // Once the cluster is provisioned, we can obtain the kubeconfig. const kubeconfig = cluster.kubeConfigs[0].rawConfig; // Use the kubeconfig to create a Kubernetes provider instance. const k8sProvider = new k8s.Provider("do-k8s-provider", { kubeconfig: kubeconfig, }); // Deploy the z2jh4k8s Helm chart to the Digital Ocean cluster const helmChart = new k8s.helm.v3.Chart("z2jh4k8s-chart", { chart: "z2jh4k8s", // You may need to specify the repository that contains the chart and the version // repo: "https://example.com/helm-charts", // Replace with the actual Helm chart repository URL // version: "1.0.0", // Replace with the actual chart version namespace: "default", }, { provider: k8sProvider }); // Export the Digital Ocean cluster's kubeconfig export const kubeconfigOut = pulumi.secret(kubeconfig); // Export the endpoint of the Kubernetes cluster export const clusterEndpoint = cluster.endpoint;


    • The digitalocean.KubernetesCluster resource creates a new cluster in the specified region with a node pool of a given size and count.
    • kubeconfig is extracted from the created cluster to allow Pulumi to communicate with it.
    • We create an instance of k8s.Provider which tells Pulumi how to communicate with the Digital Ocean Kubernetes cluster.
    • The k8s.helm.v3.Chart resource is used to define and deploy a Helm chart into the Kubernetes cluster. In this case, the Helm chart is z2jh4k8s.

    Please ensure that you have the Pulumi CLI installed, and you have configured your Digital Ocean token for Pulumi. Then, you can run the Pulumi program by navigating to the directory containing your Pulumi project and executing the pulumi up command.

    The above code does not include the specific Helm chart repository info, version, or values that might be necessary to successfully deploy the z2jh4k8s Helm chart since those details were not provided. When deploying a real Helm chart, make sure to include the correct repo, version, and any necessary values in the Chart resource arguments.

    In real-world scenarios, you'd avoid exporting sensitive information like kubeconfig directly and would likely handle it securely with secret management practices. For this example, it is exported for educational purposes.

    Remember, the above program is intended for deployment on Digital Ocean's Kubernetes service, so ensure that your Pulumi stack is configured for Digital Ocean.