1. Deploy the zipkin-gcp helm chart on Kubernetes


    To deploy the Zipkin-GCP Helm chart on Kubernetes using Pulumi, you'll need to follow these steps:

    1. Set up a Kubernetes cluster where you'll deploy the Helm chart. This step is not part of the following program, assuming you already have a cluster configured and your kubeconfig is set up correctly to communicate with the cluster.

    2. Install the Pulumi CLI and set up the Pulumi project. The Pulumi CLI will be used to execute your code and the project holds all the state and settings for your infrastructure.

    3. Use the Pulumi Kubernetes provider to interact with your Kubernetes cluster. The Helm chart can be deployed using the Chart resource within the Kubernetes provider.

    4. Deploy the Zipkin-GCP Helm chart by specifying the necessary parameters such as chart name, repository where the chart is located, and any values you want to override in the default chart configuration.

    Below is a Pulumi program written in TypeScript that demonstrates how to deploy the Zipkin-GCP Helm chart. The comments in the code provide additional information about each step and the resources used.

    import * as k8s from '@pulumi/kubernetes'; // Create an instance of the Kubernetes Helm Chart class to deploy the zipkin-gcp chart. const zipkinGcpChart = new k8s.helm.v3.Chart('zipkin-gcp', { // Replace 'YOUR_CHART_VERSION' with the version number of the chart. // You can find the latest version of the chart in the official Helm chart repository. chart: 'zipkin-gcp', version: 'YOUR_CHART_VERSION', fetchOpts:{ // Specify the repository where the zipkin-gcp chart is located. // You can find the repository URL for the chart in the Helm chart repository, // or in the documentation of the application you are trying to deploy. repo: 'https://kubernetes-charts.storage.googleapis.com', }, // If you need to override values in the default chart configuration, specify them here. // For example, to change the service type to LoadBalancer and set the number of replica sets, // you would include the following: // values: { // service: { // type: 'LoadBalancer', // }, // replicaCount: 2, // }, }); // Export the base URL for the Zipkin GCP service, which can be used to access the Zipkin UI. // The exact details of how to construct the URL will depend on the values you've configured // for the chart, such as the service type and any ingress resources you've configured. export const zipkinBaseUrl = zipkinGcpChart.getResourceProperty( 'v1/Service', 'zipkin-gcp-zipkin', 'status' ).apply(status => status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].ip || status.loadBalancer.ingress[0].hostname);

    Here's a breakdown of the code above:

    • We're importing the Pulumi Kubernetes package which allows us to declare Kubernetes resources using TypeScript.

    • We create a new Helm Chart object using Pulumi's Kubernetes provider. The Chart constructor takes two arguments: the name of the Helm release and a set of options that describe the Helm chart to deploy.

    • We specify the chart and version options, which tell Pulumi the name of the Helm chart to deploy and the version of the chart, respectively.

    • The fetchOpts block contains the repo attribute, which points to the repository where the Helm chart is located. The Zipkin-GCP chart expects the link to the chart repository.

    • The values commented block shows how you could override default chart values. The specifics of these values depend on the Zipkin-GCP chart's configurable options, which you'll need to refer to from the chart's documentation.

    • Finally, we export the base URL of the Zipkin-GCP service by using the getResourceProperty function to fetch the deployed Kubernetes Service's external IP or hostname from its status.

    Before running this program, ensure the following:

    • The correct version of the chart is specified in place of 'YOUR_CHART_VERSION'.
    • If you need to override any default chart values, uncomment the values block, and provide the necessary details according to the Zipkin-GCP chart's documentation.
    • You have authenticated access to the target Kubernetes cluster from your local environment.

    Once the above program is configured, you can run it using the Pulumi CLI command pulumi up, which will provision the resources defined in the code on your Kubernetes cluster.