1. Deploy the xos-core helm chart on Oracle Kubernetes Engine (OKE)


    To deploy the xos-core Helm chart on Oracle Kubernetes Engine (OKE) using Pulumi, you'll need to create an instance of OKE, set up a Kubernetes provider to communicate with the OKE cluster, and then deploy your Helm chart using Pulumi's helm.sh/v3.Chart resource.

    Firstly, ensure you have the OCI (Oracle Cloud Infrastructure) provider configured for Pulumi, and you have the necessary permissions to create and manage resources in your OCI tenancy.

    Here is a step-by-step guide and the corresponding Pulumi TypeScript program to deploy your Helm chart:

    1. Set up OCI Provider: Define the provider configuration using the OCI provider plugin.
    2. Create an OKE Cluster: Use the oci.ContainerEngine.Cluster resource to create a new Kubernetes cluster within Oracle's Cloud Infrastructure.
    3. Configure Kubernetes Provider: Once the OKE cluster is up and running, grab the cluster's kubeconfig to configure the Kubernetes provider.
    4. Deploy Helm Chart: Now that you have a Kubernetes provider pointing to your OKE cluster, you can deploy the xos-core Helm chart using helm.sh/v3.Chart.

    Below is the Pulumi TypeScript program that demonstrates these steps:

    import * as oci from '@pulumi/oci'; import * as pulumi from '@pulumi/pulumi'; import * as k8s from '@pulumi/kubernetes'; // Step 1: Configure the OCI provider // Ensure that you have the appropriate configuration set in your environment for OCI authentication // such as tenancy OCID, user OCID, region, private API key, fingerprint, and compartment OCID. // Step 2: Create an OKE Cluster // This will set up a new OKE cluster in your OCI compartment. const cluster = new oci.ContainerEngine.Cluster("my-oke-cluster", { /* Provide your configuration here such as compartment ID, VCN config, node pool setup, etc. For detailed attribute configuration consult the Pulumi OCI documentation: https://www.pulumi.com/registry/packages/oci/api-docs/containerengine/cluster/ */ }); // Step 3: Configure Kubernetes Provider to Connect to OKE // For the Kubernetes provider to interact with your OKE, you need to pass it the kubeconfig. // You would typically get this kubeconfig file from OCI after your OKE cluster has been created. // Pulumi can retrieve this programmatically. const kubeconfig = pulumi.all([cluster.id]).apply(([clusterId]) => { return oci.containerengine.getClusterKubeconfig({ // Insert your Pulumi provided OKE cluster ID here clusterId: clusterId, }); }); const k8sProvider = new k8s.Provider("my-oke-k8s-provider", { kubeconfig: kubeconfig.kubeconfig, }); // Step 4: Deploy the Helm Chart // Now we'll use the configured Kubernetes provider to deploy the `xos-core` helm chart. const chart = new k8s.helm.v3.Chart("xos-core", { // In the below section, provide the `repo` attribute to point to the Helm chart's repository and the `chart` attribute for chart name chart: "xos-core", version: "CHART_VERSION", // Specify the chart version as required // Additional chart values can be supplied via the `values` attribute if the chart requires them // repo: "HELM_CHART_REPOSITORY_URL", // values: { /* custom values here */ }, }, { provider: k8sProvider }); // Export the Kubeconfig to access the cluster using kubectl export const kubeconfigOutput = kubeconfig.kubeconfig; // Once you've created this Pulumi program: // Run `pulumi up` to deploy the changes. // After deployment, use the `kubeconfigOutput` with kubectl to interact with your OKE cluster.

    Make sure to replace CHART_VERSION with the version of the xos-core Helm chart you want to use and optionally provide the repo and values if needed for your Helm chart deployment. You should also fill out the configuration section with your specific OCI details and OKE cluster settings.

    Remember to install Pulumi CLI and set up your OCI credentials before executing the program. Once you have confirmed that the resources are defined as intended, you can run pulumi up to create the infrastructure and deploy your Helm chart.