Christian Nunciato

Christian Nunciato

Senior Technical Content Engineer

Fullstack Pulumi: Deploying the MERN Stack on DigitalOcean

Fullstack Pulumi: Deploying the MERN Stack on DigitalOcean

As a developer, I get lots of ideas for web apps—little things, mostly: nifty ways to keep track of my kids’ allowances, habit trackers, shopping lists. Most of them, however, never see the light of day, and not just because I’m lazy; I also tend to get hung up trying to decide what to use for the technology stack.

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Six Things You Might Not Know About the Pulumi Service

Six Things You Might Not Know About the Pulumi Service

As a reader of this blog, you’ve probably heard of the Pulumi Service, the default state-management backend of the Pulumi CLI, and if that’s the case, there’s a good chance you’ve also heard of many of its key features. But did you know we’re adding new features to the Service all the time—some of which are incredibly easy to miss? In this post, we’ll highlight a few of those lesser-known features that we think make it even easier to manage your infrastructure with Pulumi.

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API Gateway to EventBridge with Pulumi

API Gateway to EventBridge with Pulumi

If you’ve spent any time with Amazon API Gateway, you know it’s all about making it easier to manage a serverless REST API. But did you know you can do more with API Gateway than just invoke Lambdas? In this post, you’ll learn how to use Pulumi to connect API Gateway with EventBridge, Amazon’s serverless event bus, to build loosely coupled, scalable and maintainable apps and systems.

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Run Your Own RSS Server on AWS with Pulumi

Run Your Own RSS Server on AWS with Pulumi

Some of the code in this post is out of date. See the AWS guides for an updated overview and examples.

It’s been a few years since Google shut down Google Reader, and while a number of nice commercial alternatives have sprung in its wake, none of them has ever been quite the right fit for me personally.

So a while back, after far too much time spent wandering the blogsphere manually, typing URLs into address bars by hand, I decided to go looking to see whether the universe had produced an open-source solution to this problem — and to my surprise and delight, it had! Miniflux is an excellent little open-source RSS server and reader, written in Go and backed by PostgreSQL, that also happens to be packaged as a Docker container. So in this post, I’ll show how easy it is to deploy a Miniflux server of your own on AWS, using only Pulumi and a few lines of TypeScript.

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