Mikhail Shilkov

Mikhail Shilkov

Engineering Manager

Pulumi + Azure Deployment Environments: Better Together for Enterprise Developers

Pulumi + Azure Deployment Environments: Better Together for Enterprise Developers

We are excited to announce the support for authoring Azure Deployment Environments (ADE) environment definitions in Pulumi Infrastructure as Code (IaC) empowering developers to self-serve app infrastructure required to deploy and test cloud-based applications. With Pulumi support, you can now manage your Azure resources in these environments using the same familiar programming model and the full power of our IaC platform.

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Announcing 6.0 of the Pulumi AWS Classic Provider

Announcing 6.0 of the Pulumi AWS Classic Provider

We are excited to announce 6.0 of the Pulumi AWS Classic provider. The AWS Classic provider is the most heavily used provider across the entire Pulumi ecosystem, and offers access to the full surface area of the upstream Terraform AWS Provider in Pulumi projects in all supported languages. The 6.0 release brings a substantial set of fixes and improvements to the provider, including a number of breaking changes as part of the major version release.

This blog post walks you through the list of notable changes in the new major version.

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New CLI prompt to use Update Plans

New CLI prompt to use Update Plans

Earlier this year we announced the experimental introduction of Update Plans as we heard from many of you that you need a strong guarantee about exactly which changes an update will make to your infrastructure, especially in critical and production environments. We have been making steady progress on this feature and are excited to further integrate it into your workflows. In the latest release of the Pulumi CLI (v3.48.0), there’s a new prompt to use experimental Update Plans when running an update.

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Infrastructure as Code with Java and Pulumi

Infrastructure as Code with Java and Pulumi

Infrastructure has become a core part of application development as modern cloud capabilities such as microservices, containers, serverless, and data stores define your application’s architecture. The term “infrastructure” covers all of the cloud resources your application needs to run. Modern architectures require thinking deeply about infrastructure while building your application, instead of treating it as an afterthought. Pulumi’s approach helps developers, infrastructure engineers, and platform teams work together to leverage everything the modern cloud has to offer.

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Exploring how to solve circular dependencies

Exploring how to solve circular dependencies

As part of our hackathon near the end of last year, we decided to explore solutions to a common problem when people are using Pulumi for their systems. A question that’s been asked in a few different forms is how to resolve circular dependencies between resources in a Pulumi program. A simple example of this idea is a modern web application with a static front-end and an API, where the front-end needs to know the URL of the API to be able to call it and the API needs to know the source domain of the front-end to allow it access via CORS.

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Deploying new Azure Container Apps with familiar languages

Deploying new Azure Container Apps with familiar languages

Today, Microsoft announced a new general-purpose serverless container platform: Azure Container Apps. Container Apps is a fully managed platform for microservice applications that runs on top of Kubernetes and open-source technologies like KEDA, Envoy, and Dapr.

Container Apps are designed to abstract infrastructure management with flexible serverless containers. Developers can run containers at scale without the burden of standing up and managing a Kubernetes cluster manually.

We are happy to announce same-day support for Azure Container Apps in the Pulumi Azure Native Provider, which covers 100% of the Azure Resource Manager APIs and gives you highest fidelity integration with Azure’s resources.

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Full Coverage of Azure Resources with Azure-Native

Full Coverage of Azure Resources with Azure-Native

Last September, we announced the beta release of Pulumi Azure NextGen: a new Microsoft Azure provider for Pulumi that combines same-day access to the entire Azure API surface with the excellent Pulumi experience you know and love, including version-less resources, auto-naming, and auto-location.

Today, we’re excited to announce that this new provider is now the default way to manage Azure resources with Pulumi. We’re also excited to announce its final name: the native Azure provider for Pulumi, or “Azure-Native” for short. You can get started with the new provider using our newly-updated getting started guide.

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Get Up and Running with Azure Synapse and Pulumi

Get Up and Running with Azure Synapse and Pulumi

Azure Synapse is an integrated analytics service that combines enterprise data warehousing of Azure SQL Data Warehouse and Big Data analytics of Apache Spark. Azure Synapse is a managed service well integrated with other Azure services for data ingestion and business analytics.

You could use the Azure portal to get started with Azure Synapse, but it can be hard to define sophisticated infrastructure for your analytics pipeline using the portal alone, and many users need to apply version control to their cloud configurations.

The alternative is to use an infrastructure as code tool to automate building and deploying cloud resources. This article demonstrates how to provision an Azure Synapse workspace using Pulumi and general-purpose programming languages like Python and C#.

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