Cloud Native Infrastructure with Kubernetes and Pulumi

Joe Duffy Joe Duffy
Cloud Native Infrastructure with Kubernetes and Pulumi

Kubernetes has quickly become the “gold standard” for running containers in production, spanning public, private, and hybrid cloud scenarios. It’s been remarkable to watch its explosive growth just this past year alone. Every cloud vendor now supports an easy-to-use managed Kubernetes solution — Google GKE, Azure AKS, and AWS AKS — making it easier than ever to start writing and deploying Kubernetes applications.

Pulumi for Kubernetes is a way to create, deploy, and manage Kubernetes applications using your favorite programming languages. that works across AWS, Azure, Google Cloud, OpenStack, and other clouds, now to Kubernetes and cloud native architectures. You can dive right in here and look at some powerful things Pulumi enables here.

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Program Kubernetes with 11 Pulumi Pearls

Joe Duffy Joe Duffy
Program Kubernetes with 11 Pulumi Pearls

In this post, we’ll take a look at 11 “pearls” – bite-sized code snippets – that demonstrate using Pulumi to build and deploy Kubernetes applications using cloud native infrastructure as code. These pearls are organized into three categories, each demonstrating a unique scenario:

  • Config as Code: Use your favorite language for authoring applications and configuration, eliminating toil and YAML.
  • Multi-Cloud Infrastructure: Mix cloud services alongside Kubernetes resources and manage them using one set of tools and workflows.
  • Software Delivery as Code: Perform sophisticated continuous delivery of your Kubernetes deployments – including canaries, staged rollouts, leveraging cloud native projects like Envoy and Prometheus – authored in code using familiar languages.

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Simple, Reproducible Kubernetes Deployments

Alex Clemmer Alex Clemmer
Simple, Reproducible Kubernetes Deployments

Kubernetes is a powerful container orchestrator for cloud native applications that can run on any cloud – AWS, Azure, GCP – in addition to hybrid and on-premises environments. Its CLI, kubectl, offers basic built-in support for performing deployments, but intentionally stops short here. In particular, it doesn’t offer diffs and previews, the ability to know when a deployment has succeeded or failed, and why, and/or sophisticated deployment orchestration.

In this post, we’ll see how Pulumi, an open source cloud native development platform, can not only let you express Kubernetes programs in familiar programming languages, like TypeScript, instead of endless YAML templates, but also how Pulumi delivers simple and reproducible, yet powerful, Kubernetes deployment workflows.

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Announcing Pulumi 0.15

Luke Hoban Luke Hoban

Just over a month ago we publicly launched Pulumi, a new cloud native development platform. The response has been overwhelming and we’ve been hard at work responding to your feedback ever since. Today, we are excited to release Pulumi 0.15 and make it available to download. This release includes improvements across the entire Pulumi development experience. Pulumi supports more platforms (Kubernetes and OpenStack, is faster (Parallelism, simpler (native TypeScript support), richer (serverless frameworks for Azure and Google Cloud), and is more deeply integrated into the application lifecycle (GitHub App for CI/CD integration).

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Creating and Reusing Cloud Components using Package Managers

Chris Smith Chris Smith
Creating and Reusing Cloud Components using Package Managers

Hello! A few weeks back I wrote a post on serving static websites on AWS with Pulumi detailing how to host a static website on AWS. Pulumi allowed me to wire four different AWS products together in only 200 lines of code. It would be a shame, however if I needed to copy and paste that code every time I wanted to to stand up a new website. Instead, we can package up, share, and reuse our code just like any other Node.js library. It just so happens that this one can be used to create cloud infrastructure.

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Program the Cloud with 12 Pulumi Pearls

Joe Duffy Joe Duffy

In this post, we’ll look at 12 “pearls” – bite-sized code snippets – that demonstrate some fun ways you can program the cloud using Pulumi. In my introductory post, I mentioned a few of my “favorite things”. Now let’s dive into a few specifics, from multi-cloud to cloud-specific, spanning containers, serverless, and infrastructure, and generally highlighting why using familiar languages is so empowering for cloud scenarios. Since Pulumi lets you do infrastructure-as-code from the lowest-level to the highest, we will cover a lot of interesting ground in short order.

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Serving a Static Website on AWS with Pulumi

Chris Smith Chris Smith

Hello! This post covers using Pulumi to create the infrastructure for serving a static website on AWS. The full source code for this example is available on GitHub.

Setting up the infrastructure to serve a static website doesn’t sound like it would be all that difficult, but when you consider HTTPS certificates, content distribution networks, and attaching it to a custom domain, integrating all the components can be quite daunting.

Fortunately this is a task where Pulumi really shines. Pulumi’s code-centric approach not only makes configuring cloud resources easier to do and maintain, but it also eliminates the pain of integrating multiple products together.

This isn’t a hypothetical benefit of using the Pulumi programming model. We use a setup similar to the one described in this post for powering our own static websites, like and

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Managing GitHub Webhooks with Pulumi

Matt Ellis Matt Ellis

At Pulumi, we do all of our development on GitHub, with a workflow built around topic branches. When a developer wants to make a change, they push a branch to GitHub, open a pull request and (in theory) once it’s merged, delete the branch. In practice, we’ll often forget to delete the topic branch (I’m probably the worst offender), which means we end up having topic branches linger on our main repository until they are explicitly cleaned up. While it’s a lot of fun to go a click through the GitHub UI from time to time, deleting merged branches, it’s even more fun to build automation to do this for us. Since GitHub has a rich set of webhooks and Pulumi makes it easy to write serverless functions, it felt like it would be natural to use Pulumi to write a hook that would clean up branches after a pull request got merged. In addition, Pulumi lets us leverage real programming languages to build abstractions, which means we can build a simple framework that hides much of the ceremony behind defining a hook and lets us focus on the core logic of our hook, without worrying about how it is deployed and managed.

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