Posts Tagged aws

Uploading documents to your AI Slackbot in real-time using S3, SQS and Pulumi on AWS

Uploading documents to your AI Slackbot in real-time using S3, SQS and Pulumi on AWS

In the introductory blog post, we learned to Create an AI Slack Bot to Chat with Your Data Using Embedchain, Pulumi on AWS, and continued with Adding data to Pinecone using S3, Embedchain, and Pulumi on AWS for an AI Slack bot. For reference, here’s what our architecture looked like at the end of the second blog post. To follow along, clone the project, git clone or view it on GitHub.

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Adding data to Pinecone using S3, Embedchain and Pulumi on AWS for an AI Slack bot

Adding data to Pinecone using S3, Embedchain and Pulumi on AWS for an AI Slack bot

In the introductory blog post, we learned to Create an AI Slack Bot to Chat with Your Data Using Embedchain, Pulumi on AWS. However, we made a few concessions in the application logic to illustrate the broader picture of what we were able to achieve combining these three technologies. Now that we have a solid foundation for deploying our Slack bot and querying our data, lets begin moving from proof-of-concept to production-ready, iteratively.

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Create an AI Slack Bot to Chat with Your Data Using Embedchain, Pulumi on AWS

Create an AI Slack Bot to Chat with Your Data Using Embedchain, Pulumi on AWS

The integration of artificial intelligence (AI) to improve user experiences is gaining popularity in today’s world. One fascinating application of AI is the creation of chatbots, which can engage users in conversation and provide helpful information or services. In this blog post, we’ll explore the process of building an AI-powered Slack bot using Embedchain, a Retrieval-Augmented Generation (RAG) framework powered by LangChain. Additionally, we’ll deploy our bot on AWS using Pulumi, a modern infrastructure as code (IaC) platform.

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Low-Code LLM Apps with LocalAI, Flowise, and Pulumi on AWS

Low-Code LLM Apps with LocalAI, Flowise, and Pulumi on AWS

In a previous blog post from me, we discussed how easy it is to build your 🦜️🔗 LangChain LLM application and use 🦜️🏓 LangServe and Pulumi to deploy it on an AWS Fargate cluster. We even went a step further and deployed a Pinecone index, all in a few lines of Pulumi code, to provide a vector store for our LLM application. Let me walk you this time a different path on creating a LLM applications.

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Easy LangServe Apps with Pulumi on AWS

Easy LangServe Apps with Pulumi on AWS

We all know how easy it is to create, deploy, and manage any cloud infrastructure with Pulumi using your favorite programming language. With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) more and more developers are working on LLM-powered applications and services. And with this, the need to have the same ease of use for creating, deploying, and managing the infrastructure for these applications is growing. In this blog post, we will show you how to this can be achieved with combining Pulumi and LangServe.

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10X Your Storage Performance with Amazon S3 Express One Zone and Infrastructure as Code

10X Your Storage Performance with Amazon S3 Express One Zone and Infrastructure as Code

At AWS re:Invent 2023, AWS announced the new Amazon S3 Express One Zone storage class. This new service provides incredible performance by collocating your S3 buckets closer to the workloads that use the data. Compared to the S3 Standard storage class, the Express One Zone storage class is up to 10X faster, handles 100,000s of requests per second, offers single-digit millisecond latency, and can reduce request costs by 50%. This can be extremely beneficial for data-intensive workloads such as AI/ML, media, finance, realtime, and high-performance computing scenarios. This blog post shows how to get started with Amazon S3 Express One Zone using Pulumi infrastructure as code.

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Pulumi and Redis Cloud: Real-Time Data for Modern Apps

Pulumi and Redis Cloud: Real-Time Data for Modern Apps

Redis Enterprise Cloud makes apps faster by providing an in-memory database that enables teams to create a real-time data platform. In this post, you’ll learn how to enable connectivity between Redis Enterprise Cloud and your workloads using Pulumi and the Redis Cloud provider.

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Dynamic Credentials for Every AWS CLI Command: A Step-by-Step Guide to 'esc run'

Dynamic Credentials for Every AWS CLI Command: A Step-by-Step Guide to 'esc run'

In a world where cloud computing is the backbone of modern applications, managing environments and secrets is of the utmost importance. Earlier this month we released a new service called Pulumi ESC (Environments, Secrets, and Configuration), the focus of which is to help alleviate the burden of managing cloud configuration and secrets by providing a centralized way to handle these critical aspects of cloud development. It’s like having a Swiss Army knife in your toolkit, ready to tackle the challenges of cloud infrastructure. This post will highlight the specific challenge of credentials management, and we’ll specifically dive into how using the esc run functionality of Pulumi ESC will make that easier.

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Using Go Generics with Pulumi

Using Go Generics with Pulumi

Pulumi loves Go, it’s what powers Pulumi. We’ve kept a close eye on the design and development of support for generics in the Go programming language over the years, a feature that allows developers to write type-safe, concise, and reusable code. We’ve been exploring what it’d look like to improve Pulumi’s Go SDKs with generics and recently published a public RFC detailing our plans. We’ve been making progress on the implementation and are excited to announce preview support for Go generics in our core and AWS Go SDKs. If you’re using Go with Pulumi, we’d love for you to give it a try and share your feedback!

// Given
var a pulumi.IntOutput
var b pulumi.StringOutput

// Before (could panic at runtime if you got something wrong)
o := pulumi.All(a, b).ApplyT(func(vs []interface{}) string { // could panic
    a := vs[0].(int) // could panic
    b := vs[1].(string) // could panic
    return strconv.Itoa(a) + b
}).(pulumi.StringOutput) // could panic

// After (compile-time type-safety)
o := pulumix.Apply2(a, b, func(a int, b string) string {
    return strconv.Itoa(a) + b

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Deploy AI Models on Amazon SageMaker using Pulumi Python IaC

Deploy AI Models on Amazon SageMaker using Pulumi Python IaC

Running models from Hugging Face on Amazon SageMaker is a popular deployment option for AI/ML services. While the SageMaker console allows for provisioning these cloud resources, this deployment pattern is labor intensive to document and vulnerable to human errors when reproducing as a regular operations practice. Infrastructure as Code (IaC) offers a reliable and easy to duplicate deployment practice. By developing this IaC with Pulumi, practitioners can choose to write their infrastructure code in Python and seamlessly develop both AI application code and IaC code in the same language.

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