Posts Tagged development-environment

Using Pulumi Inside Node.js Monorepos

Using Pulumi Inside Node.js Monorepos

One of Pulumi’s core goals is to provide cloud engineers with access to the very best software engineering tooling available. Using traditional programming languages like Node.js, Python, Go, .NET and Java means the latest and greatest software engineering tools from each of these ecosystems is available to bring to bear on managing cloud infrastructure, natively integrated with your existing development environments.

In the Node.js ecosystem, we’ve seen an explosion of great tooling over the last couple of years around support for monorepos - larger repositories built out of many smaller projects, and sharing code and dependencies smartly across all the various projects. We’ve seen many of our Pulumi Node.js users adopting these tools and repo structures, including tools like Yarn Workspaces, pnpm, Turborepo, and especially Nx.

While it has always been possible to apply these tools to Pulumi Node.js projects in TypeScript or JavaScript just like any other Node.js project, we’ve recently made a number of enhancements and fixes to make sure that Pulumi works truly seamlessly with these tools.

In this post, we’ll show how you can build a seamless development workflow by integrating Pulumi code level abstractions, such as Component Resources, with a monorepo-based build system like Nx.

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Organizational Patterns - A Developer Portal

Organizational Patterns - A Developer Portal

Using Pulumi is more than just writing code and components. In addition to common software development practices, there are also a number of success patterns related to how your company or team builds and deploys Pulumi programs to successfully build, deploy, and manage your infrastructure and applications. In this continuation of a series, I will explore one of these patterns - using the Pulumi Automation API to create a developer portal.

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Organizational Patterns - An Automation Team

Organizational Patterns - An Automation Team

Using Pulumi is more than just writing code and components. In addition to common software development practices, there are also a number of success patterns related to how your company or team builds and deploys Pulumi programs to successfully build, deploy, and manage your infrastructure and applications. In this continuation of a series, I will explore one of these patterns - a specialized automation team.

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Organizational Patterns - A Single Infra Repo

Organizational Patterns - A Single Infra Repo

Using Pulumi is more than just writing code and components. In addition to common software development practices, there are also a number of success patterns related to how your company or team builds and deploys Pulumi programs to successfully build, deploy, and manage your infrastructure and applications. In this first post of a series, I will explore one of these patterns - the centralized platform infrastructure repository.

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Building a Development Environment for Cloud Engineering

Building a Development Environment for Cloud Engineering

Starting can be daunting. Before you take your first step, there’s a lot to consider, but you can prepare your development environment ahead of time to make your first steps in cloud engineering smooth and productive. In this article, we’ll cover how to set up your development environment to work across cloud providers, multiple languages, and different operating systems.

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Build a Pulumi VS Code Devcontainer Environment

Build a Pulumi VS Code Devcontainer Environment

One of the major advantages of using containers for development is reducing the need to install software and associated dependencies. Developers can start writing code without configuring a development environment that emulates production. The Visual Studio Code Remote - Containers extension lets you develop inside a container. If you want to use Pulumi’s infrastructure as code engine without installing the Pulumi CLI, this blog post is for you!

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