Posts Tagged kubernetes

Full Access to Helm Features with new Helm Release Resource

Full Access to Helm Features with new Helm Release Resource

Kubernetes has been a significant focus of Pulumi since its very beginnings. Pulumi added support for installing Helm charts way back in 2018 and it has seen significant adoption by users since. However, Pulumi’s current Chart integration lacks support for some increasingly common advanced features in Helm charts, e.g.:

  1. Support for Helm lifecycle hooks
  2. Handling sub-charts and dependencies

As Helm and its usage evolved over the years, Pulumi users using the Chart resource have often had to get very creative in order to get the desired functionality in their deployments.

Today we are excited to announce the public preview of a new Helm Release resource starting with v3.7.0 of the Pulumi Kubernetes Provider and SDK in all Pulumi supported languages. This new resource provides Pulumi users more options to choose the right tool for their use-case. The rest of this blog post will highlight how this resource differs from the existing Helm Chart component resource and describe how and when to use the new resource.

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Kubernetes Fundamentals Part Two

Kubernetes Fundamentals Part Two

Kubernetes is everywhere now, but it’s primarily been the domain of people working on the ops side of infrastructure. What about devs, though? You benefit from knowing what Kubernetes is and how to use it, too—otherwise, we’re still putting teams in silos. In this blog, we’re going to build off part one by learning about managed Kubernetes services: what they are, when they’re useful, and how you can try deploying to one yourself, starting with Google’s Kubernetes Engine (GKE).

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Top 5 Things an Azure Developer Needs to Know: Kubernetes Applications

Top 5 Things an Azure Developer Needs to Know: Kubernetes Applications

All modern software is cloud software, and it’s more than likely that it runs on Kubernetes. Developers are faced with the challenge of deploy applications composed of many microservices. And each microservice adds to the complexity of the deployment.

This article reviews the different methods for deploying applications on Azure Kubernetes Service (AKS).

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Top 5 Things an Azure Developer Needs to Know: Kubernetes Infrastructure

Top 5 Things an Azure Developer Needs to Know: Kubernetes Infrastructure

History lesson time! In 2011, microservices debuted as an architectural style suited for the cloud. In 2013, Docker simplified building containers. Combining containers and microservices sparked a change in how applications were built and distributed in the cloud. As performance, scaling, and reliability became an increasing concern, container orchestration platforms became widely available. Kubernetes became the dominant container orchestration through community and corporate support, and some have suggested it was inevitable. Every major cloud service provider, including Azure, offers a version of Kubernetes.

Kubernetes streamlines container deployment and management, making applications scale and accessible. This article demonstrates configuring and deploying Kubernetes with Azure.

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Kubernetes Fundamentals Part One

Kubernetes Fundamentals Part One

Kubernetes is everywhere now, but it’s primarily been the domain of people working on the Ops side of infrastructure. What about devs, though? You benefit from knowing what Kubernetes is and how to use it, too – otherwise, we’re still putting teams in silos. In this tutorial, we’re going to define Kubernetes at a high level, talk about the anatomy of a cluster, and learn not just why you should care but how to try it for yourself. We’ll start with local deployments using YAML before getting a little help from infrastructure as code with Pulumi to stand up everything right inside our sample application in a programming language you’re already writing!

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CI/CD Pipelines for Kubernetes Apps with Pulumi & Codefresh

CI/CD Pipelines for Kubernetes Apps with Pulumi & Codefresh

Delivering modern applications is complicated and requires the coordination of many moving parts. Applications are frequently updated to implement new features and improve security and performance, translating to a better user experience for your customers. To further complicate matters, infrastructure must also be deployed and maintained simultaneously with applications to avoid conflicts or dependencies.

Containerized applications deployed on Kubernetes are particularly susceptible to a misalignment between developers who frequently push changes and operators who want to maintain a stable architecture. Continuous Integration builds and tests software and delivers it as packages. Continuous Delivery or Deployment deploys applications on infrastructure. Let’s take a look at how we can accomplish CI/CD for both applications and infrastructure.

Join us for a CI/CD with Kubernetes technical session on January 21st.

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Upcoming Workshops and Events

Upcoming Workshops and Events

It’s a new year and it’s time to level up your cloud engineering skills. Pulumi is there to get you started on your cloud engineering journey with workshops and technical sessions.

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It’s Time to Embrace Kubernetes! Really? (Part 1)

It’s Time to Embrace Kubernetes! Really? (Part 1)

When you’re considering whether or not to implement Kubernetes, perhaps the first question to ask yourself is do you need it at all?

The point of any technology isn’t the technology itself. When done right, Kubernetes can reduce the barrier of entry for application developers so they can get features from their machines to your customers as quickly and easily as possible. But do you already have a solution that works well? If you do, why do you want to change it? Making such a radical change in your technology is potentially quite dangerous so what’s your motivation?

It very well might be that sticking with and improving the solution you already have offers a better cost/benefit tradeoff. It’s easy to fall into the trap of believing that simply adopting a new technology like Kubernetes will instantly solve your hard organizational or technical problems, however, we know that is seldom true.

In this blog post we’ll share some tips and tricks for evaluating your own situation to see if Kubernetes is a good fit. We’ve learned these from helping hundreds of customers adopt Kubernetes — in addition to not, when there was a better solution available. We’ll see that the question isn’t that simple to answer and there are a lot of variables to consider. In the next blog post, we’ll talk about a situation where Kubernetes can be a good fit and how to start your first Kubernetes project.

Note that these blog posts assume you already have some familiarity with Kubernetes. If you are just starting to learn, our Getting Started with Kubernetes blog series is a good place to start.

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