Posts Tagged typescript

Migrating a cloud application to Kubernetes

Migrating a cloud application to Kubernetes

This post is outdated and contains references to a pre-release version of Pulumi Crosswalk (@pulumi/awsx). For updated AWSx documentation and examples, see the AWS Guides.

In this blog post, we will explore and demonstrate the advantages of Kubernetes by converting and deploying our PERN application to Amazon EKS. With the help of Pulumi, the process becomes greatly simplified and allows us to focus more on the big picture of designing our cloud architecture.

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Deploying a PERN stack application to AWS

Deploying a PERN stack application to AWS

Some of the code in this post is out of date. See the AWS guides for an updated overview and examples.

In this blog post, we will explore PERN stack applications and deploy one to AWS. PERN is an acronym for PostgreSQL, Express, React, and Node. A PERN stack application is a project that uses PostgreSQL, Express as an application framework, React as a user interface framework, and runs on Node. We will also use Pulumi Crosswalk to reduce the amount of code and provide a quick and straightforward path for deploying the application.

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Get Started with Docker on AWS Fargate using Pulumi

Get Started with Docker on AWS Fargate using Pulumi

Some of the code in this post is out of date. See the AWS guides for an updated overview and examples.

Update: Check out the Learning Machine Case Study where provisioning went from 3 weeks to 1 hour with Pulumi and AWS.

“The impact of serverless capabilities was also transformative for the Learning Machine business. Pulumi enabled a rapid shift to Amazon ECS, AWS Fargate and AWS Lambda — the net effect of which was a 67% reduction in AWS charges. This enabled the team to spend less time focused on maintaining existing infrastructure and more time deploying new applications on AWS and adding new customers.

Pulumi is the foundational technology that allowed us to transform our organization,” said Hughes. The entire DevOps process was streamlined and in addition to realizing better productivity and higher quality, the team has new insight into their SaaS offering that they never thought possible.”

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Kubernetes RBAC in AWS EKS with open source Pulumi packages

One of the most common areas Kubernetes operators struggle with in production involves creating and managing role-based access control (RBAC). This is so daunting that RBAC is often not implemented, or implemented halfway, or the configuration becomes impossible to maintain.

Fortunately, Pulumi makes RBAC on Kuberenetes so easy that you’ll never create an insecure cluster again. In this post, we will contrast the traditional way of working with RBAC on EKS with using Pulumi.

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Testing Your Infrastructure as Code with Pulumi

Testing Your Infrastructure as Code with Pulumi

Some parts of this blog post are out-of-date. Please refer to our Testing Guide for the updated overview and tutorials.

Using Pulumi and general purpose languages for infrastructure as code comes with many benefits: leveraging existing skills and knowledge, eliminating boilerplate through abstraction, and using the same ecosystem of tools like IDEs and linters that your team already knows and loves. In general, these are all attributes of software engineering, which not only make us more productive, but also improve the quality of our code. It’s only natural, therefore, that using general purpose languages unlocks another important software engineering practice: testing.

In this article, we will see the many ways in which Pulumi lets us test our infrastructure as code.

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From Terraform to Infrastructure as Software

From Terraform to Infrastructure as Software

Here at Pulumi, we love programming the cloud using infrastructure as code. From the project’s outset, we’ve been inspired by technologies like Terraform, AWS CloudFormation, and Helm, and in fact leverage the Terraform Providers ecosystem, to support a broad range of clouds, including AWS, Azure, and Google Cloud.

Just recently, we extended this with first class support for Kubernetes. Pulumi delivers the same infrastructure as code workflows only using general purpose languages like JavaScript, TypeScript, Python, and Go, extending robust infrastructure provisioning with abstraction and reuse, highly productive tooling, and access to all the other things we already know and love about programming languages.

In this article, we will convert existing Terraform configuration to Pulumi TypeScript. By doing so, we’ll see how using general purpose programming languages can help you create simpler, more flexible infrastructure as code, with greater productivity and less repetition. The infrastructure we’ll be working with describes a load-balanced web server hosted by an AWS EC2 instance per availability zone with an option to allow SSH access. Of course, these same benefits would also accrue were we to target Azure, Google Cloud, or Kubernetes instead.

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Lambdas as Lambdas: The magic of simple serverless Functions

Lambdas as Lambdas: The magic of simple serverless Functions

Pulumi’s approach to infrastructure as code uses familiar languages instead of YAML or DSLs. One major advantage of this approach is that AWS Lambdas, Azure Functions, Google Cloud Functions, et al. can just be real lambdas in your favorite language, offering a flexible and simple path to serverless. Such functions behave as normal functions, allowing you to treat serverless code as part of your application instead of separate “infrastructure” that needs to be configured, managed, and versioned manually. In this post, we’ll examine this capability in JavaScript, which is already very function- and callback-oriented, making serverless feel like a natural extension of the language we already know and love.

While Functions as a Service (FaaS) systems have become more popular, getting up and running can still feel overly complex compared to normal application development. FaaS offerings today divide the development experience between “infrastructure” – doing all the work to configure the Lambda runtime itself (i.e. how much memory to use, what environment variables should be present, etc.) – and writing and maintaining the code that will execute in the function itself when triggered. Most developers just want to focus on the latter, write some code, and have it work.

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Advanced TypeScript type FTW!

Advanced TypeScript type FTW!

We at Pulumi love TypeScript for cloud apps and infrastructure, because of its rich type system and great ahead-of-time typechecking – making for a more productive inner loop and helping to find errors sooner. The typesystem magic behind how this works for infrastructure as code can be fascinating!

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Simple, Reproducible Kubernetes Deployments

Simple, Reproducible Kubernetes Deployments

Kubernetes is a powerful container orchestrator for cloud native applications that can run on any cloud – AWS, Azure, GCP – in addition to hybrid and on-premises environments. Its CLI, kubectl, offers basic built-in support for performing deployments, but intentionally stops short here. In particular, it doesn’t offer diffs and previews, the ability to know when a deployment has succeeded or failed, and why, and/or sophisticated deployment orchestration.

In this post, we’ll see how Pulumi, an open source cloud native development platform, can not only let you express Kubernetes programs in familiar programming languages, like TypeScript, instead of endless YAML templates, but also how Pulumi delivers simple and reproducible, yet powerful, Kubernetes deployment workflows.

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