Posts Tagged virtual machines

Top 5 Things an Azure Developer Needs to Know: VMs

Top 5 Things an Azure Developer Needs to Know: VMs

So you want to be an Azure dev and all-around infrastructure wizard? Let’s start with the basics, virtual machines! In the previous article, the common use case for virtual machines is migrating applications from dedicated hardware. You want full control of the machine to install required software for the application or configure storage and networking.

Azure provides many ways to create and configure virtual machines ranging from the Azure CLI to the Azure Portal. In this article, we’ll first create a virtual machine using the portal to understand the requirements and process; then, we’ll do it with code using Pulumi’s Azure Native provider, which is built directly from the Azure Resource Manager API.

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Top 5 Things an Azure Developer Needs to Know: Introduction

Top 5 Things an Azure Developer Needs to Know: Introduction

The Azure cloud platform includes over 200 products and cloud services. Wherever you are in your Microsoft cloud engineering journey, you should be familiar with these top 5 cloud tasks that are essential building blocks commonly used to deploy applications and infrastructure to the Azure cloud.

In this series of articles, we’ll go in-depth on virtual machines, Azure Functions, static websites, building an Azure Kubernetes Service cluster and deploying applications on AKS, and DevOps with Azure App Service.

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Reduce Cloud Costs with EC2 ARM Instances

Reduce Cloud Costs with EC2 ARM Instances

Whether you’re migrating to the cloud or have existing infrastructure, cloud spend can be a significant barrier to your success. Too small of a budget could prevent your organization from meeting your performance metrics. You can use different strategies to reduce cloud spend, such as using Spot Instances, which cost less than On-Demand Instances or scaling your infrastructure based on peak usage times.

With the addition of Graviton2 based EC2 Instances, AWS offers an on-demand alternative for decreasing cloud spend. Both Amazon and independent testing demonstrated that the general-purpose M6g instance delivered up to a 40% gain of price/performance compared to Intel m5.large instances. In addition to the M6g general-purpose instance, AWS offers instances general-purpose burstable (T4g), compute-optimized (C6g), and memory-optimized (R6g) EC2 instances.

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Deploying Minecraft on Azure

Deploying Minecraft on Azure

This article demonstrates how to deploy and provision a virtual machine in Azure using the Pulumi Azure-Native provider. While there are numerous examples of using the Azure console, the Azure CLI, or ARM templates to deploy and provision virtual machines, we’ll use Python to implement a repeatable deployment.

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