1. Docs
  2. Concepts
  3. Resource options
  4. transformations

Resource option: transformations

    The transformations resource option provides a list of transformations to apply to a resource and all of its children. This option is used to override or modify the inputs to the child resources of a component resource. One example is to use the option to add other resource options (such as ignoreChanges or protect). Another example is to modify an input property (such as adding to tags or changing a property that is not directly configurable).

    Each transformation is a callback that gets invoked by the Pulumi runtime. It receives the resource type, name, input properties, resource options, and the resource instance object itself. The callback returns a new set of resource input properties and resource options that will be used to construct the resource instead of the original values.

    This example looks for all VPC and Subnet resources inside of a component’s child hierarchy and adds an option to ignore any changes for tags properties (perhaps because we manage all VPC and Subnet tags outside of Pulumi):

    const vpc = new MyVpcComponent("vpc", {}, {
        transformations: [args => {
            if (args.type === "aws:ec2/vpc:Vpc" || args.type === "aws:ec2/subnet:Subnet") {
                return {
                    props: args.props,
                    opts: pulumi.mergeOptions(args.opts, { ignoreChanges: ["tags"] })
            return undefined;
    const vpc = new MyVpcComponent("vpc", {}, {
        transformations: [args => {
            if (args.type === "aws:ec2/vpc:Vpc" || args.type === "aws:ec2/subnet:Subnet") {
                return {
                    props: args.props,
                    opts: pulumi.mergeOptions(args.opts, { ignoreChanges: ["tags"] })
            return undefined;
    def transformation(args: ResourceTransformationArgs):
        if args.type_ == "aws:ec2/vpc:Vpc" or args.type_ == "aws:ec2/subnet:Subnet":
            return ResourceTransformationResult(
                opts=ResourceOptions.merge(args.opts, ResourceOptions(
    vpc = MyVpcComponent("vpc", opts=ResourceOptions(transformations=[transformation]))
    transformation := func(args *pulumi.ResourceTransformationArgs) *pulumi.ResourceTransformationResult {
        if args.Type == "aws:ec2/vpc:Vpc" || args.Type == "aws:ec2/subnet:Subnet" {
            return &pulumi.ResourceTransformationResult{
                Props: args.Props,
                Opts:  append(args.Opts, pulumi.IgnoreChanges([]string{"tags"}))
        return nil
    vpc := MyVpcComponent("vpc", pulumi.Transformations([]pulumi.ResourceTransformation{transformation}))
    var vpc = new MyVpcComponent("vpc", new ComponentResourceOptions
        ResourceTransformations =
            args =>
                if (args.Resource.GetResourceType() == "aws:ec2/vpc:Vpc" ||
                    args.Resource.GetResourceType() == "aws:ec2/subnet:Subnet")
                    var options = CustomResourceOptions.Merge(
                        (CustomResourceOptions) args.Options,
                        new CustomResourceOptions { IgnoreChanges = {"tags"} });
                    return new ResourceTransformationResult(args.Args, options);
                return null;
    var vpc = new MyVpcComponent("vpc",
            .resourceTransformations(resourceTransformation -> {
                var resource = resourceTransformation.getResource();
                var args = resourceTransformation.getArgs();
                var options = resourceTransformation.getOptions();
                if (resource.getResourceType() == "aws:ec2/vpc:Vpc" ||
                    resource.getResourceType() == "aws:ec2/subnet:Subnet") {
                    var mergedOptions = CustomResourceOptions.merge(
                        (CustomResourceOptions) options,
                    return Optional.of(new ResourceTransformation.Result(args, mergedOptions));
                return Optional.of(new ResourceTransformation.Result(args, options));
    # Pulumi YAML does not support transformations

    Stack Transformations

    Transformations can also be applied in bulk to many or all resources in a stack by using Stack Transformations, which are applied to the root stack resource and as a result inherited by all other resources in the stack. Note that this applies only to resources that are registered after the stack transformation is registered. Resources in the stack that have already been registered will not get the Stack Transformation applied to them.

    pulumi.runtime.registerStackTransformation((args) => {
        if (isTaggable(args.type)) {
            args.props["tags"] = Object.assign(args.props["tags"], autoTags);
            return { props: args.props, opts: args.opts };
    pulumi.runtime.registerStackTransformation(args => {
        // ...
    def my_transformation(args):
        # ...
        func(args *pulumi.ResourceTransformationArgs) *pulumi.ResourceTransformationResult {
            // ...
    public class MyStack : Stack
        public MyStack() : base(new StackOptions { ResourceTransformations = { MyTransformation } })
        private static ResourceTransformationResult? MyTransformation(ResourceTransformationArgs args)
            // ...
    var stackOptions = StackOptions.builder()
        .resourceTransformations(args -> {
            // ...
    Pulumi.withOptions(stackOptions).run(ctx -> {
        // ...
    # Pulumi YAML does not support transformations
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